Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Bleach fillers ending january 10th

To all you Bleach fans out there, the Bleach fillers will be ending very soon. To me the fillers were not that bad at all. They were 10 times better then those dame Naruto fillers anyway.

When the fillers are over and it continues back to the story, there will be some new characters joining the Bleach gang.

I would post some pictures of these new characters but i wouldn't want to spoil anything for anyone.


Anonymous said...

Yes thats what I'm talking bout!

Droniac said...

Aye the new non-filler episodes have been good so far - although I have to say the Bleach fillers weren't even all that bad.

As for Naruto and it's fillers. You might be interested to know that Naruto will be back on track after next week's episode. That's right, no more fillers! - for now... ;)